Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Cherokee Tribune Article

The Historical Society and the Grammar School made the paper! Please let us know what you think!


  1. Take a look at what "modern" architecture has taken the place of historic buildings in Canton! The Police Station replaced the graceful Italianate P.W. Jones home and usurped 50' of historic Brown Park. The Voter Registration building replaced a turn-of-the-century McAfee home, a picturebook Victorian home. The Windstream parking lot on East Marietta replaced the 1850 brick jailhouse. The former People's Finance, a cinderblock cube, replaced Dr. Bates' Victorian cottage on East Marietta. You be the judge!!!
    Nell Galt Magruder

  2. I have been out of town and just catching up on my reading. I ran across the article in the July issue of "Around Town Sixes Living" and was shocked to find out the Cherokee County School Board is exploring demolition for the former Canton Elementary School. This building is a vital part of the history of Cherokee County. I attended this school from 1954 until 1962. It is a part of me and the memories I hold so dear of how Cherokee County use to be. It is unthinkable to me that the Board would even slightly consider demolition. I feel each person who has attended this school should band together and refuse to let this part of our history be torn down. There are so many ways this building could be utilized. I plead with all who reads this and has ever attended this school or had children that have to come together and see what we can do as a group and as citizens of this county to save this beautiful building which is a vital part of our history. Let's keep some part of Cherokee County and the downtown area the same as it was before progress took over. Those of us who have lived here all of our lives remember the small town era and cherish those memories of the past. Let's not get rid of part of our heritage. Brenda Owen Manous, August l6, 2009

  3. The keith Plantation on York Road was built in 1865 from bricks made on the Etowah river.The walls are 18inches thick. The Large rock at the Funk Heritage center was moved from this
    property in the 1940's, it sat on top of a Cherokee burial ground. Most of the out
    buildings still remain. This is the property that needs saving.
